Saturday, May 20, 2017

Eggs with yogurt

Combination Eggs and yogurt is really popular in Balkan countries. This dish is really simple.

Fry some eggs in butter, salt them.
Cover  with a whole milk yogurt and paprika or some cayenne pepper
That's all. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Taste of Eastern Europe - Salted Pork

French have lardone, Italians - Lardo, well Russian, Ukrainians and Belorussians - Salo. It's cured salted pork

Usually eaten with bread of your choice , some mustard (or just plain)

Cod with shrimp

1 big file of cod
1/4 stick of celery
1 bell pepper
1/4 of onion
10-15 shrimps
oil for frying
Salt, pepper to taste

Dice the pepper, celery onion and fry in the pan, remove, we will add all of it later
Put the cod in the pan , when 1st side is done, turn the fish and add the shrimp and the fries vegetables. Remove the Cod , mix well the vegetables and shrimp. When shrimp is cooked, pour the shrimp - vegetable mixture over the cod



1 большое филе трески
1/4 палки сельдерея
1/4 головки лука
1 болгарский перец
10-15 креветок
Растительное масло для жарки
Соль, чёрный перец

Нарезаки мелко сельдерей  и перец и легко прижариваем в сковороде, вынимаем ( добавим обратно в конце)

Нарезаем филе на 3-4 кусочка и жарим, как только зажарится одно сторона, переворачиваем и добовляем креветки и зажареный перец с сельдереем.

Когда креветки готовы, то блюдо готово.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Blackened buffalo steak

‎Buffalo ‎meat‬ is unbelievably lean and tasty, but because it is lean, it makes it tricky to cook. I prefer to cook it with Cajun ( creole ) ‪spice‬ mixes. Cover it with olive oil, sprinkle the spices and cook on hot grill until spices darken. 
It's called ‪ ‎blackened‬ style, when outside is a little bit burned on purpose, but the inside is nearly cooked. In this case it works. The burned spice mixture is actually very aromatic good luck

Friday, June 19, 2015

Fusion of American and Soviet iconic foods. I call this Cold War Hot dog :-)

Its a hot dog or bratwurst  on a bun or a baguette with mustard, topped with Russian or Ukrainian Salad called Vinigret (  Russian style pickled cabbage slaw , with potatoes, pickles, onion, red bean and beets)

Fast cajun pasta sauce

1 pound of ground beef

1 small onion (chopped)

1 bell pepper (chopped)

1 stick of celery  (chopped)

1-2 cloves of garlic

2-3 leafs of thyme

vegetable oil

pinch of cayenne pepper

salt and black pepper

1/2 cup of water or chicken broth

Fry the bell pepper, onion and celery, add chopped garlic and the beef ground, cook until slightly brown, add water (broth) salt, black  pepper, cayenne. Cook until desired thickness add the fresh thyme leafs in the end

Serve over pasta of your choice.
